Italian Bowls Federation

President:Marco Giunio De Sanctis

Secretary:Riccardo Milana

Indirizzo:Via Vitorchiano, 113, Rome

Phone:+39 06 8797 4626

Fax:+39 06 8797 4637

History of FIB


An initial organisation was established in Rivoli on 14 November 1897 when 15 bowls clubs from Piedmont joined forces and founded the Unione Bocciofila Piemontese (Bowls Association of Piemonte). In 1919, with the addition of the clubs of the Liguria and Veneto, UBP turned into Unione Bocciofila Italiana (UBI or Italian Bowls Association). A separatist movement led to the constitution of the Federazione Italiana Bocce (FIB or Italian Bowls Federation) in 1922, but in 1926 CONI settled the disagreement and reunited the two movements. On January 1, 1929, the body was incorporated into the Opera Nazionale Dopolavoro (National Recreational Institution) with the appellation of Federazione Italiana Gioco Bocce (FIGB or Italian Bowls Federation). In 1945 the two federations were re-established (one with headquarters in Turin and the other with headquarters in Milan).

In 1946 FIB of Turin generated the UBI which the following year split and generated a new UBI with headquarters in Genoa. On 25 February 1947 the UBI of Turin and the FIB of Milan merged to form FIB Turin. On 9 October 1948, the merger of the FIB of Turin with the UBI of Genoa, generated the Unione Federazioni Italiane Bocce (UFIB or Association of Italian Bowls Federations) with headquarters in Genoa. The association was initially recognized by CONI on 25 November 1948 but later excluded on 17 February 1957 following yet another split (a group of dissidents had reconstituted the UBI of Turin in 1956).

In 1958, ENAL (the National Workers Assistance Board), generated the FIGB (Italian Bowls Federation) from which, following a split, the Federazione Italiana Sport Bocce (FISB or Italian Federation of Bowls Sports) was established in 1964. In 1979 the three organisations - UBI Torino, FIGB-ENAL and FISB – merged to form the new UBI. CONI, which had already recognised UBI as an adhering member on December 1, 1963, recognised the new body on 21 June 1979. Since 1991, UBI has been known as Federazione Italiana Bocce (FIB or Italian Bowls Federation).


From 1897 to 1919 the Unione Bocciofila Piemontese (UBP or Bowls Association of Piemonte), from 1919 to 1929 Unione Bocciofila Italiana (UBI or Italian Bowls Association), from 1929 to the Second World War Federazione Italiana Gioco Bocce (FIGB or Italian Bowls Federation), from 1945 to 1948 Unione Bocciofila Italiana, from 1948 to 1957 Unione Federazioni Italiane Bocce (UFIB or Association of Italian Bowls Federations), from 1956 to 1993 Unione Bocciofila Italiana and, since 31 July 1991, Federazione Italiana Bocce (FIB or Italian Bowls Federation).

Federal Office

From its foundation to 1929 in Turin, from 1929 to the war in Rome, from 1948 to 1956 in Genoa, from 1956 to 1980 Turin and Rome, and Rome from 1981.

First National championships




1945 - 1947 Luigi Zeppegno

1947 - 1948 Adolfo Della Casa


1948 -1957 Adolfo Della Casa


1956 - 1985 Luigi Sambuelli

1985 - 1993 Sandro De Sanctis


1993 - 2017 Romolo Rizzoli

2017 - Marco Giunio De Sanctis


1956 - 1967 Armando Salsa

1967 - 1977 Giuseppe Cippone

1977 - 1985 Clemente Gherlone

1985 - 1992 Romolo Rizzoli

1992 - 1993 Alvaro Celi

1993 - 2016 Maria Claudia Vannini

2017 - Riccardo Milana

National Sports Federations

National Sports Federations