Italian Gymnastics Federation

President:Gherado Tecchi

Secretary:Roberto Pentrella

Indirizzo:Viale Tiziano, 70, Rome

Phone:+39 06 879750

Fax:+39 06 8797 5003


History of FGI


The “First Italian Gymnastics Conference” was held from 15 to 17 March 1869 following an initiative by Costantino Reyer, Domenico Pisoni and Pietro Gallo, which gave life to the Italian Gymnastics Federation. During a Conference held on 15 to 20 September 1874 in Bologna, a group of dissidents constituted the Federazione delle Società Ginnastiche Italiane (Federation of Gymnastics Associations). The two Federations merged during the Conference of 18 to 21 December 1887 in Rome and the new body took on the name of Federazione Ginnastica Nazionale Italiana (Italian National Gymnastics Federation).

General Luigi Girolamo Pelloux, Chairman of the Provisional Committee from 1887 to 1888, was elected Chairman of the new Federation. In 1891, appointed War Minister Pelloux resigned and the Federation was run by the deputy chairman Francesco Emilio Paresi "until 1894, the year in which General Pelloux temporarily resumed the chair until January 1895 when General Heusch was appointed chairman, a post he held until February 1897. From then on Senator Todaro acted as chairman. A Secretary of the Federation from the start was Cavalier Ballerini" (Bulletin no. 11, 10/11/1898, page 97). The Federation gained non profit status through Decree of 8/9/1896. The Federation is listed in Law no. 426 of 16/2/1942 (as RFGI).


From 1869, Federazione Ginnastica Italiana (Italian Gymnastics Federation); from 1887, Federazione Ginnastica Nazionale Italiana (Italian National Gymnastics Federation); from 1901 again Federazione Ginnastica Italiana; from 1909 again Federazione Ginnastica Nazionale Italiana, subsequently changed to Reale Federazione Ginnastica Italiana (Real Italian Gymnastics Federation); after the war, it changed to Federazione Ginnastica d'Italia (FGI or Italian Gymnastics Federation). 

Federal Office

1887 - 1921 Roma; 1922 at april 1923 Genoa; 1923-1929 Milan, then in Rome.

First National Championships

1925 (men), 1937 (women).



1869 Costantino Reyer

1869 Francesco Ravano

1869 Ernesto Riccardi

1873 Sebastiano Fenzi

1874 Pio Vecchi


1887 - 1888 Gen. Luigi Pelloux

1888 - 1891 Gen. Luigi Pelloux

1891 - 1894 Francesco Emilio Paresi 

1894 - 1895 Gen. Luigi Pelloux

1895 - 1897 Gen. Nicola Heusch

1897 - 1901 Sen. Francesco Todaro 


1901 -1909 Sen. Francesco Todaro


1909 - 1910 Hon. Vittorio Moschini

1911 - 1912 Hon. Antonio Vicini

1912 - 1914 Sen. Principe Prospero Colonna

1915 - 1919 Hon. Andrea Torre

1919 - 1923 Zaccaria Oberti

1923 - 1929 Giulio Sironi

1929 - 1930 Hon. Augusto Turati

1930 - 1931 Alberto Buriani

1931 - 1932 Giuseppe Corbari

1933 - 1943 Gen. Cesare Federico Bevilacqua

1944 - 1945 Cesare Marchisio

1945 - 1946 Angelo Portalupi


1946 - 1948 Achille Bellomi

1948 - 1953 Cesare Marchisio

1953 - 1963 Guido Ginanni

1963 Guido Ginanni (commissioner)

1963 - 1965 Guido Ginanni

1965 Mario Gotta (commissioner)

1965 - 1977 Mario Gotta

1977 - 2000 Bruno Grandi

2000 - 2017 Riccardo Agabio 

2017 - Gherardo Tecchi


1887 Giuseppe Bertocchi

1887 - 1891 Fortunato Ballerini

1894 - 1898 Fortunato Ballerini

1899 Pietro Valle

1900 - 1906 Fortunato Ballerini

1907 - 1909 Sante Angelini

1909 - 1910 C. M. Ferreri

1910 - 1914 Fortunato Ballerini

1915 - 1919 Giovanni Racchi

1919 - 1920 Giovanni Regard

1921 - 1923 Enrico Corzetto

1923 Achille Cortese (seg. President)

1924 - 1929 Achille Cortese

1929 - 1930 Cesare Tifi

1931 - 1932 Mario Corrias

1933 - 1937 Roberto Ferrari

1942 Raul Rabbaglietti

1942 Gino Ulivi

1943 Gino Ulivi (commissioner)

1944 - 1945 Raul Rabaglietti

1946 - 1948 Vittorio Bardelli

1949 - 1953 Calogero Longo

1953 - 1970 Angelo Riva

1970 - 1984 Angelo Andrea Milli

1984 - 1985 Massimo F. Ceccotti

1985 - 1997 Luigi Cimnaghi

1997 - 2004 Piero Quargnali

2004 - 2011 Michele Maffei

2011 - Roberto Pentrella



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