Italian Handball Federation

President:Pasquale Loria

Secretary:Adriano Ruocco

Indirizzo:Stadio Olimpico - Curva Nord, Rome

Phone:+39 06.87975901

Fax:+39 06.87975913


History of FIGH


A Handball Federation “not yet affiliated with CONI”, represented by Aurelio Chiappero took part, only with a consultative vote, in CONI’s first elective Conference of 27 July 1946. In actual fact, handball had already been on the Italian scene, albeit sporadically, since 1940. A revival came with the establishment of the Committee for the Promotion of Handball, in Rome only in 1966.

Eugenio Enrile was Chairman of the Committee and Chiappero the Secretary. The deed of constitution of the Italian Handball Federation was drawn up on 20 December 1969: Mario Costantini presided over the new body and Chiappero acted as Secretary. When it became an officially recognised sport on 22 December 1971, the FIGH joined CONI as an affiliated member on 19 December 1974, becoming official at the 57th National Board on 22 February 1979.


Federazione Italiana Giuoco Handball (FIGH or Italian Handball Federation) since the beginning.

Federal Office

Rome since the foundation.

First National Championships

1969 (men and women).


1967 - 1968 Eugenio Enrile

1969 - 1972 Mario Costantini

1972 - 1976 Eugenio Marinello

1976 - 1991 Hon. Concetto Lo Bello

1991 - 1994 Ralf Dejaco

1994 - 1997 Piero Jaci

1997 - 2017 Francesco Purromuto

2017 - Pasquale Loria


1969 - 1973 Aurelio Chiappero

1974 - 1980 Giuseppe Gentile

1981 - 1982 Franco Bimbi

1982 - 1984 Tiziano Petracca

1984 - 1993 Pier Luigi Gatti

1993 - 1996 Alessandro Rossi

1996 - 1997 Giuseppe Gentile

1997 - 1998 Sandro Rossi

1998 - 1999 Umberto Desideri

1999 - 2000 Nicola Bozzi

2002 - Adriano Ruocco


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