Italian Judo Wrestling Karate and Martial Arts Federation

President:Domenico Falcone

Secretary:Massimiliano Benucci

Indirizzo:Viale Sandolini, 79, Lido di Ostia (Rome)

Phone:+39 06 56434605

Fax:+39 06 56434801

History of FIJLKAM


The Federazione Atletica Italiana (FAI or Italian Athletics Federation) was established in Milan on 18 January 1902, under the initiative of Marquis Luigi Monticelli Obizzi (1863-1946), for the purpose of "coordinating wrestling and weight lifting activities". Judo was included in the Federation in 1954, although already in 1931 FAI had, on an experimental basis incorporated the Italian Jujitsu Federation (founded in 1924).

On 19 May 1974 FIAP’s Assembly established equal administrative weight of its three competitive sectors, changing the name to Federazione Italiana Lotta Pesi Judo (FILPJ or Italian Wrestling Weightlifting Judo Federation). The change of name was ratified by CONI on 6 September 1974. On 2 July 1994 the Extraordinary AGM established the incorporation of the Karate discipline into the Federation (previously included in the Italian Taekwondo Karate Federation), a decision that was ratified by the CONI National Board on 7 February 1995. The Federation is listed in Law no. 426 of 16/2/1942 (as FIAP). With the approval of the new Statute (Ostia, 1 July 2000), ratified for sports purposes by the CONI National Board on 31 October 2000. The following activities also changed: the Weightlifting section founded an independent Federation (Federazione Italiana Pesistica e Cultura Fisica – FIPCF or Italian Weightlifting and Bodybuilding Federation), whereas the Martial Arts section with Judo, Wrestling and Karate, took on greater importance characterising FIJLKAM as a federation of fighting sports.


Federazione Atletica Italiana (FAI or Italian Athletics Federation) from 1902 to 1933 when the name was changed to Federazione Italiana Atletica Pesante (FIAP or Italian Heavy Athletics Federation); Federazione Italiana Lotta Pesi Judo (FILPJ or Italian Wrestling Weightlifting Judo Federation) from 1974, with the incorporation of Judo; from 1995, with the incorporation of Karate, it became FILPJK; from 31 October 2000 Federazione Italiana Judo Lotta Karate Arti Marziali (FIJLKAM OR Italian Judo Wrestling Karate and Martial Arts Federation).

Federal Offices

1902-1909 Milan; 1911 Rome; 1913 Milan; from April 1915 to May 1925 Genoa; from May 1925 Milan; from April 1929 Rome.

First National Championships

1897 (weightlifting); 1901 (Graeco-Roman wrestling); 1930 (freestyle wrestling); 1954 (judo).

First time at the Olympic Games

Wrestling 1912; weightlifting 1920; judo 1964.



1902 -1911 Luigi Monticelli Obizzi

1911 Mario Cermenati

1913 - 1915 Silvio Brigatti

1915 - 1924 Luigi Silvio Ugo

1925 - 1926 Luigi Turri

1926 - 1929 Pietro Locatelli

1927 - 1929 Luigi Torretta

1929 Hon. Augusto Turati


1930 - 1941 Hon. Riccardo Barisonzo

1941 - 1943 Giovanni Valente

1944 - 1945 Giorgio Giubilo

1944 Giuseppe Gorletti

1946 - 1952 Giorgio Giubilo

1952 - 1964 Giovanni Valente

1964 - 1965 Carlo Zanelli

1965 - 1967 Carlo Zanelli


1967 -1981 Carlo Zanelli

1981 - 2013 Matteo Pellicone

2014 - Domenico Falcone 


1902 -1911 Cesare Viganò

1911 - 1913 Felice Tonetti

1913 - 1915 Pietro Locatelli

1915 - 1922 Rinaldo Gaggero

1922 - 1925 Edilio Pareto

1925 - 1929 Aleardo Volpi

1929 - 1930 Ugo Pio Meda

1931 - 1933 Salvatore Gallo

1933 - 1934 Achille Castellani

1934 - 1935 Giacinto Puglisi

1935 - 1943 Erminio Franchi

1944 - Alfonso Castelli

1944 - Giulio Nicoletti

1946 - 1953 Alfonso Castelli

1953 - 1965 Livio Luigi Tedeschi

1965 - 1973 Alfonso Castelli

1974 - 1975 Franco Mariano

1975 - 1980 Adriana Tiberi

1980 - 1990 Carlo Piovan

1990 - 1998 Carlo Ceccarani

1998 - 1999 Vittorio Romanacci

1999 - 2014 Domenico Falcone

2014 - Massimiliano Benucci


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