Italian Squash Federation

President:Antonella Granata

Secretary:Davide Monti

Indirizzo:Via Forlimpopoli, 5, Riccione (RN)

Phone:+39 0541 790894

Fax:+39 0541 790994


History of FIGS


Squash made its organised debut in 1976 with the opening of the “Bologna Squash Centre” when the first Italian squash training school was launched.
Prior to then there were only two courts, in Milan, that were used mainly by foreign employees of Cucirini Cantoni Coats, which had founded the “Milan Squash Giambellino”.
The Associazione Italiana Badminton Squash (AIBS or Italian Badminton & Squash Federation) was established on 22 February 1977, marking the combination of two sports: Squash and Badminton.
In December of the same year, the first Italian Championships were held, with the participation of the sports clubs of Milan, Bologna and Bergamo.
In the years that followed, Squash became increasingly popular: a great number of clubs were opened and intensive National and International competitive events were organised.
Squash became independent from Badminton on 23 March 1985, with the constitution of the FIGS (Federazione Italiana Giuoco Squash or Italian Squash Federation), which was recognised by CONI as an associated discipline under the sponsorship of FIT.
On 8 May 2001, FIGS was recognised as an Associated Discipline, directly associated with CONI The National Council approved the recognition for sports purposes on 26 June 2007 by FIGS as a National Sports Federation. Since its foundation FIGS has been affiliated to the European Squash Federation and the World Squash Federation, the latter recognised by the IOC in 1985.


The current one since 1985.

Federal Office

From its constitution in Rome.

First Italian Individual Absolute Championships

1977 Royal J. (women’s title) - Cartmell P. (men’s title).

First Italia Team Absolute Championships

1979 (Squash Centre Bologna)


1977-1986 Chiappero Aurelio

1986-1995 Sisti Giuseppe

1995-1997 Bianchetti Amedeo

1997 - 2017 Zanella Siro

2017 -  2021 PIero Bartoletti

2021 - Antonella Granata


1985-1987 Bertani Piero

1987 - Monti Davide


National Sports Federations

National Sports Federations