Italian Triathlon Federation

President:Riccardo Giubilei

Secretary:Ivan Braido

Indirizzo:Stadio Olimpico - Curva Sud, Rome

Phone:+39 06 9151 6733

Fax:+39 06 9151 6744

History of FITri


The Triathlon started in Italy in 1984 with the running of the first race, which took place in Ostia (Rome) with the so-called olympic distance (1.5km - 40km - 10km).

In 1985, the Associazione Italiana Triathlon (AIT or Italian Triathlon Association) is founded. In 1988 the Triathlon is officially recognised by the CONI and becomes a discipline associated with the Italian Federation of Modern Pentathlon.

In 1989, the first elective ordinary meeting gives a new name to the AIT with the Italian Triathlon Federation.

On 19 December 1998, the Federazione Italiana Triathlon (FITri or Italian Triathlon Federation) becomes a discipline directly associated to the CONI and, in December 2000 the recognition of the FITRI occurs at the National Sports Federation.

On 25 October 2001 the Prefecture of Rome, with registration number 51/2001, recognises the legal personality for all intents and purposes of the Italian Triathlon Federation and on 13 November 2001 the Federation, for the first time, represented by its president Marco Sbernadori, participates officially at the meeting of the National Council of the CONI.


1984 - 1989 Marco Sbernadori

1989 - 1993 Camillo Cametti

1993 - 2005 Marco Sbernadori

2005 - 2009 Pres. FITri Emilio Di Toro

2010 - 2012 Renato Bertrandi

2012 - 2021  Luigi Bianchi

2021 - Riccardo Giubilei


2004 - 2018 Aldo Lucarini
2018 - Ivan Braido


National Sports Federations

National Sports Federations