Italian Volleyball Federation

President:Giuseppe Manfredi

Secretary:Alberto Rabiti

Indirizzo:Via Vitorchiano 83/87, Rome

Phone:+39 06 36859425

Fax:+39 06 36859429

History of FIPAV


Volleyball, born in 1895 in the United States, was played in Italy before the war, especially in the military sphere (the first championship, in 1923, was won by the Guardia di Finanza of Rome). From 1 January 1929, the Italian Volleyball Federation (FIPV) was established within the framework of the Dopolavoro National Opera (the first title, awarded in 1930, was won by Azogeno di Vado Ligure). In the postwar period, the OND (National Recreation Club) was dissolved and the new Italian Volleyball Federation was formed in Bologna on 31 March 1946. A year later, on 17 August 1947, the organisation joined the CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee) as a“” supporting member, and in 1947 it was among the founding members of the International Federation (FIVB). In 1948, in Rome, the new Federation organised the first European championship on the courts of the Foro Italico. The FIPAV became a member of the CONI in 1957. Recognised by the Federation operating the National Volleyball League (founded in Bologna on 11 March 1973) from which, on 20 September 1987, in Abano Terme, the Female Volleyball League was born.


Federazione Italiana Pallavolo (FIPV and then FIPAV or “Italian Volleyball Federation").

Federal Offices

Originally in Rome.

First National Championship

1946 (men and women).

First appearance at the Olympic Games

1976 Montreal.


1946 - 1961 Arnaldo Eynard
1961 - 1977 Giancarlo Giannozzi
1977 - 1978 Pietro Floriano Florio
1978 Antonio Barone
1978 - 1988 Pietro Floriano Florio
1988 - 1991 Manlio Fidenzio
1991 - 1993 Nicolò Catalano
1993 - 1995 Paolo Borghi
1995 - 2017 Carlo Magri
2017 - 2021 Bruno Cattaneo
2021 - Giuseppe Manfredi



1946 - 1948 Edmondo Galiani
1948 - 1961 Edmondo Artibani
1961 - 1989 Gianfranco Briani
1989 - 1992 Massimo Di Marzio
1992 - 1993 Giuseppe Gentile
1993 - 1994 Tullio Paratore
1994 - 1995 Vincenzo Romano (ad interim)
1995 - 1997 Gianfranco Briani
1997 - 2003 Maurizio Romano
2003 - 2005 Bruno Biferari
2005 - Alberto Rabiti


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