Statement by the National Council


lottomaticamezzelanigmt22Meeting no. 245 of the CONI National Council met this afternoon at – at the Foro Italico – to discuss the following agenda:


1) Approval of the minutes of the meeting of May 4, 2016: Minutes approved unanimously


2) Statement by the President: Malagò opened the meeting inviting attendees to sincerely applaud Angelo Cito, newly elected FITA President, who was awarded the Stella d’Oro for Sports Achievements. Subsequently, the protagonists of the sports world deceased in the past two weeks were commemorated and the important results achieved by the Italian athletes in the same period were highlighted. The President complimented Alfio Giomi for the great organizational success connected to the team race running World Championships, held in Rome and – celebrating the medals recently won in the various disciplines – and expressed his support to athletes who are undergoing the Olympic qualification tests, such as the basketball and rowing teams, dedicating an applause to those who have just won, like the volleyball team. In view of the Rio Games, the prize for the Olympic gold medals has been increased to 150 thousand Euro, whereas that for the silver (75 thousand euro) and for the bronze (50 thousand euro) have remained the same.

It was then announced that the latest updates on aspects connected to the obligatory use of defibrillators will be shared at the next National Council meeting and the President of FMSI, Maurizio Casasco was thanked for the good work done. Optimism was also expressed on the matter of mandate laws, for a conclusion that is deemed to be satisfying for the world of sport and that goes in the right direction: there will be a single interpretation that will concern the entire sorting movement. Progress has also been made for the Rome 2024 Olympic candidacy, with constant updates through debating tables also with the environmental associations. The 5 main candidates to the mayor’s position in Rome have accepted to attend the meeting with the sports world, offering an encouraging sign, also for the tone and contents of the debates. Malagò went on to mention that the next Board meeting will look into the details of the “Sport e periferie” project: the Commission in charge is working on the parameters, with updates that will be available at the end of the next month.

National Sports Day will be held on May 29 to avoid overlapping with the local elections of June 5. The Quirinale has invited some Italian champions, as well as Coach Claudio Ranieri, to the celebrations of the Festa della Repubblica. Malagò also mentioned the integrations to the Walk of Fame, with the addition of another 5 former athletes: Alberto Braglia, Mario Fiorillo, Paola Pigni, Sandro Mazzinghi and Valentina Vezzali. Malagò ended his intervention by informing the Board on the CONI-FIN relations following the dismissal of the charges for slander filed against Secretary General Roberto Fabbricini by the President of Federnuoto Paolo Barelli, personally and as legal representative of FIN, and in light of the appeal to the Tar (Administrative Court) filed by the Federazione Italiana Nuoto opposing a ruling of the CONI arbitration board. 

Input on the President’s report and other matters discussed at the Council meeting was delivered by: Angelo Cito (Taekwondo), Riccardo Agabio (Gymnastics), Andrea Mancino (Associated Sports Disciplines Rappresentative), Sergio Mignardi (Hockey), Paolo Barelli (Swimming), Avvocato Alberto Angeletti, Giovanni Petrucci (Basketball), Franco Chimenti (Golf), Giovanni Medugno (Coach Rappresentative), Vincenzo Manco (Sports Promotion Bodies Representative), Sandro Rossi (Associated Sports Representative), Franco Sciannimanico (Table tennis), Siro Zanella (Squash), Carlo Magri (Volleyball), Romolo Rizzoli (Bowls), Alfredo Gavazzi (Rugby), Angelo Binaghi (Tennis), Maurizio Casasco (Sports medicine), Alfio Giomi (Athletics)


3) Administrative business and CONI financial statements: The first reformulation of the annual budget for year 2016 was unanimously approved. There being no other business the meeting was closed at 5.25pm.