Manuela di Centa Helps to Launch New Series "Legends Live On" from the Olympic Channel


di centa olympic channel foto mezzelani gmt054 20171201 1309144716Beyond the spotlight of the Olympic Games where legends are made, their legacy lives on. In the new Olympic Channel original series, Legends Live On, Olympic heroes show how they are translating their success into careers and inspiring future generations.


Legends Live On premieres today, Friday, 1 December on the Olympic Channel global digital platform, and is available at and on its mobile apps. The 10-episode series was produced exclusively for the Olympic Channel by New Moon out of London.

In conjunction with the worldwide digital launch of Legends Live On, a premiere screening took place today in Rome featuring Manuela di Centa, the Italian cross-country skiing legend and honorary IOC Member. The event was hosted by the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) at their headquarters to an audience of journalists, local dignitaries and sports influencers as well as her family and coaches.

“I’m convinced that everyone should follow their hearts on their own path, and that drawing on this inner strength can help push you to reach success,” said di Centa, a seven-time Olympic medallist who uses her impressive medal collection to help inspire youth through education. “As a role model, especially to young women in today’s society, it is important to encourage youth to follow their passions to achieve their personal goals. I hope that sharing my story will help to inspire others to keep pushing towards their dreams.”

Following her record-setting career, which saw her compete in five consecutive Winter Olympic Games and the only athlete to achieve five medals at the 1994 Lillehammer Games, di Centa went back to University where she earned a Master’s degree in International Relations and Politics. In addition to her post-athletic career she set her sights on other physical challenges and in 2003 became the first Italian woman to climb Mt. Everest.


In addition to di Centa, Olympic legends featured in the series includes swimmer Ian Thorpe (AUS), who now brings messages of hope to remote communities; beach volleyball player Jackie Silva’s (BRA) efforts to help trouble youth through sports; how Katarina Witt (GER) has translated her ice skating success to helping others; and snowboarder Shaun White (USA), whose superstardom has led to a career in fashion and music and who is looking to compete at the upcoming Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018.

Olympic Channel Schedule: Legends Live On



1 Dec. 2017

Episode 1 – Legends Live On: Michael Johnson (USA)


Episode 2 – Legends Live On: Manuela di Centa (ITA)


Episode 3 – Legends Live On: Jackie Silva (BRA)


Episode 4 – Legends Live On: Aleksandr Karelin (RUS)

8 Dec. 2017

Episode 5 – Legends Live On: Nadia Comaneci (ROU)


Episode 6 – Legends Live On: Ian Thorpe (AUS)


Episode 7 – Legends Live On: Haile Gebrselassise (ETH)

5 Jan. 2018

Episode 8 – Legends Live On: Clara Hughes (CAN)

12 Jan. 2018

Episode 9Legends Live On: Katarina Witt (GER)

19 Jan. 2018

Episode 10Legends Live On: Shaun White (USA)

*Schedule Subject to Change