National Board communication

FORO1The 1027th meeting of CONI National Board has taken place this morning at the Foro Italico, starting its works with the approval of the previous meeting of the 15th of July. In his communications, President Malagò has began talking about the new project about sport at school initiated with the Prime Minister office and the Education Ministry. To the attention of the Board has been brought the new Istat list in the field of the public administrations with the entering of 35 out of 45 national sport federations: the Board has acknowledged with satisfaction the authorization by the Data protection Authority allowing CONI-NADO the possibility to access the ADAMS system of WADA with sure advantages in the fight against doping.

President Malagò has informed the Board that this year the sportspeople's Mass will be celebrated in Saint Peter's Church on the 19th of December and that following the Mass a delegation from CONI will be greeted by the Holy Father in occasion of the centenary festivities. Still about the centenary, the Board has been informed that from the 9th to the 11th of October the CONI trophy dedicated to the delegations of athletes on a regional basis will be held in Caserta. After having heard about the report of lawyer Alberto Angeletti about a few administrative verifications, the Board has decided to give to the Fitetrec-Ante Italian Federation and Wushu-Kung Italian Federation the 10th of November as a definitive deadline for the approval of 2012 balance sheet. The Board has acknowledged the resignation of the Nautical Ski and Wakeboard Italian Federation President and the consequent elective assembly that will be held on the 18th of October. Lastly, the Board has approved the new list of the Olympic Club considering the results obtained in the first months of 2014, agreeing to completing it within the end of the year after the outcomes of all the World and European Championships. After having examined a long series of other organizational and administrative issues and having adopted the corresponding resolutions, the Board has ended its works at 11:45 am.