Italian Aero Club

President:Giuseppe Leoni

General Manager:Gen. Mario Tassini

Indirizzo:Via Cesare Beccaria, 35, 00196 Roma, Italia, Roma

Phone:+39 06 3608461

Fax:+39 06 32609226


History of AeCi


The first body to coordinate aviation activities, the Società Aeronautica Italiana (SAI or Italian Aviation Society) was established in March 1904 in Rome, some five years before the first flight over Italy. The SAI was one of the founding members of the International Federation (Paris, 12 October 1905). The first aviation club (which for a brief period was known as d’Italia) was founded in Padua on 18 February 1910. In 1911, the members of the Club Aviatori (Aviation Club) founded the Aero Club d'Italia, later gaining non profit organisation status by decree no. 1452 of 25/7/1926.

The following year the association changed its name to Reale Aero Club d'Italia (RAeCI or Royal Italian Aero Club), changing again in 1936 to Reale Unione Nazionale Aeronautica (RUNA or Royal National Aviation Association). The first Air Tour of Italy took place in 1930. In March 1950 the Aero Club incorporated the Federazione Italiana del Volo a Vela (FIVV or Italian Gliding Federation), established in Milan in 1946. A law of 29/5/1954 conferred the Body “legal status for the discipline and organisation of activities in the aviation field”. Competition parachuting was incorporated into the Aero Club in October 1963.


The current name was defined in 1911 and, after the changing into RAeCI first (in 1927) and then into RUNA (in 1936), it was then resumed after the war (in 1947).

First National Championships



1898 -1902 Conte Roberto Biscaretti di Ruffia

1948 -1964 Manillo Zerbinati

1964 Iginio Guagnellini

1964 -1966 Franco Palma

1966 -1970 Franco Palma

1970 -1974 Vittore Catella

1974 -1978 Raffaello Teti

1978 -1982 Guido Baracca

1986 - 2002 Mario Testa

2002 - 2005 Giuseppe Leoni

2005 -  2017 Giuseppe Leoni

2018 - 2019 Pierluigi Matera 

2019 - 2019 Guido Valori 

2020 - Giuseppe Leoni


1948 -1954 Eugenio Gandolfi

1955 -1964 Giuseppe Maceratini

1965 -1973 Giuseppe Donno

1974 -1975 Gustavo Garretto

1975 -1978 Giovanni De Siati

1978 -1983 Giulio Rosica

1983 -1985 Rodolfo Baldesi (acting)

1985 -1989 Mario De Paolis

1989 -1993 Franco Romagnoli

1993 - 2002 Vittorio Zardo

2002 Vincenzo Basile (DG)

2003 - 2006 Franco Romagnoli (DG)

2007 - 2010 Fabio Del Meglio (DG)

2011- 2013 Carlo Landi (DG)

2013 - 2018 Gen. Giulio Cacciatore (DG)

2018 - Gen. Giuseppe D’Accolti (DG)


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