Italian Federation of Sport Fishing and Underwater Activities

President:Ugo Claudio Matteoli

Secretary:Pasqualino Zuccarello

Indirizzo:Viale Tiziano, 70, Rome

Phone:+39 06 8798 0086

Fax:+39 06 8798 0087

History of FIPSAS


The first interest in sport fishing saw some activity in Italy already in the thirties. The Federation, however, was formed on 27 June 1942, remaining active until 8 September 1943. It began operating again in 1945, under joint management with hunting and shooting organisations under the government-appointed commission of CONI. In the postwar period, at a conference held in Bologna in 1947, the foundations for the overhaul of FIPS were laid. This took place in April 1948, at a National Assembly held in Florence. In 1949, the Federation welcomed practitioners of underwater activity and swimming with flippers into the competitive sector. Since 1984, the Federation has acknowledged the inclusion of four disciplines: inland fishing, sea fishing, underwater fishing, finswimming.


Originally Federazione Italiana della Pesca Sportiva or“Italian Federation of Game Fishing”; from 1948 it became Federazione Italiana Pesca Sportiva (FIPS or “Italian Federation of Sports Fishing”) which later in 1968, had the division of Attività Subacquee or "Underwater Activities” added to it without changing the acronym. The amendment to FIPSAS was ratified by the CONI National Board of 4 May 1995.

Federal Offices

Rome by the constitution.

First National Championships

1950 (fishing), 1951 (scuba diving), 1958 (fin swimming).


1942 - 1943 Conte Frangiotto Pullè

1944 - 1945 Cherubino Malpeli

1945 - 1948 Giorgio Bini

1945 Ugo Veronese

1948 - 1965 Aldo Clozza

1965 - 1978 Virgilio Cella

1978 - 2001 Hon. Francesco Colucci

2001 - Ugo Claudio Matteoli


1942 - 1943 Carlo Manstretta

1943 - 1945 Carlo Manstretta

1946 - 1948 Mario Rotondi

1948 - 1969 Carlo Manstretta

1969 - 1974 Angelo Piccinini

1975 - 1983 Claudio Blasi

1983 - 1987 Sandro Rossi

1988 - 1989 Mariano Ravazzolo

1989 - 1991 Giorgio Storti

1991 - 1992 Gianfranco Briani

1992 - 1997 Marcello Standoli

1997 - 1998 Alessandro Barbera

1998 - 1999 Giorgio Cannella

1999 - 2003 Alvaro Carboni 

2003 - Pasqualino Zuccarello



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