Italian Federation of Equestrian Sports

President:Marco Di Paola

Secretary:Simone Perillo

Indirizzo:Viale Tiziano, 74, Rome

Phone:+39 06 8366 8416

Fax:+39 06 83668481

History of FISE


The Venaria Reale Riding School was founded by Carlo Felice on 15 November 1823 and transferred to Pinerolo in 1849. It was considered the centre of horse riding in Italy, both civilian and military, at least until 1943. The equestrian sport, in the most modern sense, started in Italy with the establishment, in 1891, of the Tor di Quinto School in Rome. Captain Federico Caprilli was the mentor of this renovation, creator of the "natural system" of horse riding. The first important International Horse Contest was held in Turin in 1902, although races at a gallop were already being held in 1840. The first successes of Italian breeding - whose greatest exponent was Federico Tesio - was achieved by Signorinetta in 1908, winning the Epsom Derby in England. The first national organisational core was founded in 1911 under the name of "Italian Saddle Horse Society" - later changed to "Italian Horse Society" - which in 1926 became part of CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee), changing its name to "Italian Federation of Equestrian Sports". By Royal decree no. 1761 of 08/14/1936, the control of "equestrian competitions, polo, hunts on horseback and riding lessons" was given to the FISE, while the other specialities (jockeys, steeple chasing, trotting) were handed over to the UNIRE (National Union for the Expansion of Horse Breeds), which was started in 1932. The Federation is listed in Law no. 426 of 16/02/1942.


Federazione Italiana Sport Equestri (FISE or “Italian Federation of Equestrian Sports”) since 1926.

Federal Office

Rome until 1943, a few months to Milan and then, from 1944, again in Rome.

First National Championships


First appearance at the Olympic Games:

1900 Paris.



1911 - 1914 Luigi Berta

1914 - 1915 Gennaro Salinas

1920 - 1926 Luigi Ayroldi di Robbiate


1926 - 1932 Baron Luigi Ajroldi di Robbiate

1932 - 1939 Gen. Piero Dodi

1940 - 1941 Gen. Alfonso Cigala Fulgosi

1941 - 1943 Ettore Rossi

1943 Earl Ranieri di Campello (CONI commissioner)

1944 - 1946 Earl Ranieri di Campello (regent)

1946 - 1959 Earl Ranieri di Campello

1959 Francesco Formigli (regent)

1959 - 1960 Francesco Formigli

1960 - 1965 Gen. Tommaso Lequio di Assaba

1966 - 1977 Conte Enrico Luling Buschetti

1977 - Giuseppe Cigala Fulgosi

1978 - 1988 Lino Sordelli

1988 - 1996 Mauro Checcoli

1996 - 2008 Cesare Croce

2008 - 2012 Andrea Paulgross

2012 - 2013 Antonella Dallari

2013 - 2015 Gianfranco Ravà (special commissioner)

2015 - 2017  Vittorio Orlandi

2017 - Marco Di Paola


1922 - 1929 Giovanni De Simoni

1930 - 1940 Ennio Marongiu

1941 - 1943 Eldo Gramignani

1943 - 1944 Ennio Marongiu

1944 - 1970 Ennio Marongiu

1971 - 1982 Giovanni Buffa

1982 - 1990 Raffaele Giacomazza

1990 - 1998 Giuseppe Brunetti

1998 - 2003 Alessandro Barbera

2003 - 2008 Sergio Bernardini

2008 - 2009 Andreina Prestini

2009 - 2012 Sergio Bernardini

Between 1915 and 1920 the activities of the Federation were suspended. Before 1921, honorary secretaries worked from time to time, appointed by the Federation's Councils.


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