Italian Motorcycling Federation

President:Giovanni Copioli

Secretary:Alberto Rinaldelli

Indirizzo:Viale Tiziano, 70, Rome

Phone:+39 06 3248801

Fax:+39 0632488410


History of FMI


The first motorcycle was ridden in Italy in 1889 thanks to Enrico Bernardi from Padua. In the inter-war period, riding motorbikes attained great popularity and the Italian industry emerged as the best in the world. The Italian Motorcycling Federation, reconstituted with this name on 23 March 1946 in Montecatini, took its origin from the Italian Motorcycling Club, founded in Milan on 31 May 1911 (the first Motorcycling Club appeared, also in Milan, on 27 February 1904).
Set up as a non-profit organisation by Royal decree no. 1673 of 28 December 1931, the Motorcycling Club of Italy, recognised by CONI in March 1927, moved its headquarters to Rome in 1928. In 1932, it took the name of "Royal Motorcycling Club of Italy". In 1934, the extraordinary management of the RMCI (Royal Motorcycling Club of Italy) ended with the appointment by CONI of Hugo Leonardi, as president. A few months earlier the name was changed to the Italian Royal Motorcycling Federation (RFMI). In 1943 the Federation ceased its function and resumed it in the postwar period with the Montecatini Assembly (1946). The Federation is listed in Law no. 426 of 16/02/1942 (as RFMI).


From 1911 to 1932, Moto Club d'Italia (MCI or “Motorcycling Club of Italy”); in 1932, Reale Moto Club d'Italia (RMCI or “Royal Motorcycling Club of Italy”) and then in 1933, Reale Federazione Motociclistica Italiana (RFMI or “Italian Royal Motorcycling Federation”); from 1946, Federazione Motociclistica Italiana (FMI or “Italiana Italian Motorcycling Federation”).

Federal Office

From 1911 to 1929, Milan; from 1929 to 1943, Rome; in 1944, Venice; from 1946 to 1963, Milan and from spring of 1964 in Rome again.

First National Championships




1908 - 1911 Oreste Togni

1911 - 1913 Gino Modigliani

1913 - 1914 Oreste Togni

1914 - 1931 Conte Alberto Bonacossa

1931 - 1932 Barone Paolo Ricci del Riccio


1933 - 1934 Prince Gregorio Boncompagni

1934 - 1943 Ugo Leonardi

1943 - 1944 Carlo Manstretta

1945 - Piero Taruffi

1945 - Giovanni Curli


1946 - 1963 Emanuele Bianchi

1963 - 1965 Ferruccio Colucci (commissioner ministerial)

1965 - 1969 Salvatore Leto di Priolo

1969 - 1979 Ferruccio Colucci

1979 - Fausto Pompili

1979 - 1996 Francesco Zerbi

1996 - 2017 Paolo Sesti

2017 - Giovanni Copioli


1911 Renato S. Sanna

1911 Carlo Legnazzi

1912 Renzo Marzoli

1913 - 1914 Adolfo Cavazzoni

1914 - 1931 Adolfo Cavazzoni

1931 - 1932 Carlo Indoni (secretarial office)

Alberto Lattanzi (organization)

Carlo Manstretta (sports)

1932 - 1933 Gino Magnani

1934 - 1943 Ferruccio Colucci

1946 - 1949 Giuseppe Boano

1949 - 1958 Giuseppe Bariona (DG)

1958 - 1959 Giuseppe Boano

1959 - 1979 Paolo Garelli

1979 - 1999 Vincenzo Mazzi

1999 - 2003 Maurizio Gamba

2003 - 2004 Roberto Besi

2004 - Alberto Rinaldelli


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