Italian Roller Sports Federation

President:Sabatino Aracu

Secretary:Angelo Iezzi

Indirizzo:Viale Tiziano, 74, Rome

Phone:+39 06 91684006/4005/4007

Fax:+39 06 91684029/4028


History of FISR


The Federazione Italiana Pattinaggio a Rotelle (FIPR or Italian Roller Skating Federation) was established in Milan in 1922 on CONI’s request and an initiative of Alberto Bonacossa for better coordination of events that he had developed just before the war (the first international hockey game was held in 1913). In 1936 field hockey became part of the FIPR and assumed the name of Federazione Italiana Hockey e Pattinaggio a Rotelle (FIHPR or Italian Hockey and Skating Federation), a naming convention that was also maintained following the acquisition of independence of field hockey (with the establishment of a special Commission in 1967). For a brief period before the war, according to the provisions of the time, the English term "hockey" was translated into an improbable "ochei" (and the acronym became FIOPR). The federation is listed in Law no. 426 of 16/2/1942, (as FIOPR).


From 1922 to 1936 the Federazione Italiana Hockey e Pattinaggio a Rotelle (FIHPR or Italian Hockey and Roller Skating Federation), for a brief period FIOPR and then Federazione Italiana Hockey e Pattinaggio (FIHP or Italian Hockey and Skating Federation). Since 2017 the Federation took the name "Italian Roller Sports Federation".

First National Championships

1911 (race), 1912 (artistic), 1922 (hockey).

First time at the Olympic Games

1992 (as a demonstration).



1922 -1924 Alberto Bonacossa

1924 - 1926 Giovanni Vanni

1926 - 1927 Enrico Josti

1927 Torquato Amorosi

1927 - 1928 Console Negrini

1928 Nino Rasponi

1928 Enrico Josti

1931 - 1933 Luigi Tornielli

1933 - 1936 Fabio Fochi


1936 - 1939 Fabio Fochi

1939 - 1943 Giovanni Battista Brinchi Giusti

1943 - Aldo Amici

1944 - Enzo Natalini

1945 - Enrico Josti

1946 - 1965 Luigi Rio

1965 - 1984 Gianni Mariggi

1984 - 1990 Giuseppe Matranga

1990 - 1991 Mario Pescante

1991 - 1993 Bruno Tiezzi

1993 - Sabatino Aracu


1922 - 1926 Giovanni Vanni

1926 - Benito Del Marco

1926 - Enrico Josti

1926 - 1931 Fabio Fabbri

1931 - Gaetano Cappelli

1933 - 1943 Marcello Fabiani

1944 - Angelo Giacomoni

1946 - 1946 Mario Mattioli

1954 - 1965 Enrico Quaranta

1965 - 1966 Alfredo Fagiolo

1969 - 1970 Aurelio Chiappero

1970 - 1989 Domenico Di Gianfrancesco

1989 - 1993 Pietro Giunta

1993 - 2003 Carlo Piovan

2003 - 2004 Pietro Giunta

2004 - 2012 Emilio Gasbarrone

2012 - Angelo Iezzi


National Sports Federations

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