Italian Target Shooting Federation

President:Luciano Rossi

Indirizzo:Viale Tiziano, 74, Rome

Phone:+39 06 4523 5200

Fax:+39 06 3233 791

History of FITAV


Though the first competitions with launched targets had been held in Italy since the middle of last century, the official acts of the Federation began on 4 August 1926, the day of the foundation of the Italian Clay Pigeon Shooting Federation (FITPA), based in Rome. Ettore Stace was the promoter of the initiative, first an excellent shooter and later president. The following month the Federation was recognised by the Ministry of National Economy and in 1927 became part of CONI, taking the name of the Italian Target Shooting Federation (FITAV). The Federation is listed in Law no. 426 of 16/02/1942.
Originally (1926), Federazione Italiana Tiro al Piccione d'Argilla (FITPA or “Italian Clay Pigeon Shooting Federation”), and since 1927, Federazione Italiana Tiro a Volo (FITAV or “Italian Target Shooting Federation”).

Federal Office

In Rome since establishment.

First National Championship

1928 (men and women).

First appearance at the Olympic Games

1900 Paris.


1926 - 1938 Ettore Stacchini

1938 - 1943 Roberto Tortima

1943 - 1944 Roberto Tortima (CONI commissioner)

1944 Claudio Malpeli (CONI regent)

1945 Pietro Jannetti (CONI regent)

1946 - 1950 Angelo Colombo

1950 - 1954 Roberto Tortima

1954 - 1960 Antonio Le Pera

1961 - 1968 Hon. Natalino Di Giannantonio

1969 Giuseppe Pasquale (commissioner)

1969 Stefano Castellani (commissioner)

1970 - 1980 Roberto Miracoli

1981 - 1993 Giampiero Armani

1993 - Luciano Rossi


1926 - 1935 Amleto Poggi

Dante Duranti (technical secretary)

1936 - 1942 Guglielmo Ferri

1943 - Domenico Traini

1943 - 1945 Mario Rotondi

1950 - 1961 Michele Le Pera

1961 - 1979 Sabino Panunzio

1980 - 1982 Paolo Borghi (ad interim)

1982 - 1983 Nicola Bozzi

1983 - 1985 Paolo Borghi (ad interim)

1986 - 1997 Giampiero Paolini

1997 - 2003 Marco Manstretta

2003 - 2021 Fabio Fortuni


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