Italian Canoe Kayak Federation

President:Luciano Buonfiglio

Secretary:Salvatore Sanzo

Indirizzo:Viale Tiziano, 70, Rome

Phone:+39 06 83702501

Fax:+39 06 83702518

History of FICK


The first organisational nucleus of Italian canoeing was established in 1935 in Milan with the foundation in Milan of the Gruppo Milanese della Canoa (GMP or Milan Canoeing Group) (and the following year an Italian canoeist took part in the Berlin Olympic Games). On 17 February 1936 a circular from Reale Federazione Italiana di Canottaggio (Royal Rowing Federation) established a Canoeing Section. On 6 March 1939 the GMP changed its name into Gruppo Italiano Canoa (GIC or Italian Canoeing Group) with headquarters in Milan (Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, 92).
On 8 February 1942 group, under the chairmanship of Gino Tosti di Valminuta, was transferred to Rome, where it continued to be incorporated within Federcanottaggio (Rowing Federation) (Secretary Giordano B. Fabjan). On 24 November 1973 the Commissione Italiana Canoa (CIC or Italian Canoeing Commission), which had adhered on 30 November 1982, finally changed to Federazione Italiana Canoa Kayak (FICK or Italian Canoe Kayak Federation). FICK was then recognised by CONI as “effective” on 30 April 1987. On 11 December 1992, FICK promoted the constitution in Rome of the European Canoeing Association.


To 1982 Federazione Italiana Canoa Kayak (FICK or Italian Canoe Kayak Federation).

Federal Office

Rome since the foundation.

First National Championships


First time the Olympic Games

1936 Berlin.



1975-1976 Luigi Grappelli (outgoing)

1976-1979 Virgilio Forte

1979-1982 Sergio Orsi


1982 - 1990 Sergio Orsi

1990 - 2005 Francesco Conforti

2005 - 2017 Luciano Buonfiglio (sentence CAF 22-05-2017)

2017 - Luciano Buonfiglio


1979 - 1985 Roberto Rea

1985 – 1985 Claudio Tomassini Barbarossa

1986 – 1986 Aldo Varvazzo

1986 - 1992 Marcello Standoli

1992 - 1996 Maurizio De Micheli

1996 - 1999 Claudio Tomassini Barbarossa

1999 - 2006 Giuseppe Brunetti

2006 - 2017 Daniela Sebastiani

2017 - Salvatore Sanzo


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